I met up with Teri, Shirley and Judy this morning at MoMA. ?ber foggy, air heavy with moisture and the clouds low in the sky but it was WARM so the one mile walk to and from the museum was really pleasant and the hair was nicely frizzled. But first I hung out at Penn Station with a big coffee, read my book and observed people on the other side of the window.


First stop in the museum (yay – no crowds) was “Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925”. There was something for everybody but I’d be surprised if somebody liked everything (huh? You know what I mean). There was art that was so beautiful your heart aches and, next to it, “BLEH, how on earth does this get to be in a museum”? One of the mysteries. A favorite artist was well represented so I spent some time copying one of his paintings.


After lunch we stopped in the exhibition “Tokyo 1955-1970 A New Avant Garde” – lots of really nice drawings and paintings in the first gallery. We also stopped by to see “The Scream” and a selection of lithographs and woodcuts by Edvard Munch.
ArtRage app, Pogo Sketch stylus