Archives for category: EDiM 2015

The likelihood of finding an egg around here is 100% zero. I actually seem to be able to make a nice sandwich out of this stuff because, you see, the microwave and I are BFF.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage .

I have had these tiny bird houses ($1.00 from Michaels) for a few years. I painted them with black gesso and had big decorative painting plans for them. Ha! So I dusted them off and lined them up and asked them to hold still for a few minutes.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

That being said – I’m still always pleasantly (stupendously is a better descriptive) surprised and thrilled that I can actually draw all these disparate things. Amazing.
I take back the “yawn”.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

This was drawn while I was in Central Park with the NYC Urban Sketchers. I had the list with me in case I happened upon List Things while in the city.

Later on I tried sketching her again but very loosely. With abandon.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

This drawing was done when I was walking around “China: Through The Looking Glass” during the members preview at the Met some weeks ago. I’m not a person concerned with or knowledgeable about, or even interested in fashion, but this exhibition wowed even me. I had the list in my purse, snuggled next to iPat, and I spotted some fur and a colorful shawl and a place to stand for awhile which was in no one’s way so I sketched happily.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

I bring the list with me when I go into the city and I try to be on the lookout for list drawing opportunities. Earlier on this Sunday I also happened upon two sources for #11 which I posted a couple of weeks ago.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

The week before the outing with the NYC Urban Sketchers to Central Park’s Bethesda Fountain found me in the city every day except one. I kept spotting wonderful sketch-worthy building details but the timing was always wrong or they were too high and required lengthy and painful neck craning. While in the park I noticed these bas reliefs which were at eye level – perfect and interesting at the same time – so I sketched and listened to a group of gospel singers.


iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

Yes. The drawing is overdue but I was actively avoiding this one item on the list. I decided, even though I happen to own some stairs or steps, that I would look for some Marvelously Interesting Steps that I would Awesomely Sketch, adding all the stair-ish nuances that only I could see, while in the city but it seems that every time I was there all stairways were mysteriously invisible to me. Even the ones I had to actually ascend and descend. Finally, at Figure al Fresco this week, I noticed the stone steps coming out of the boulders at the precise instant when I was bored with the long pose of the model. It was too windy and cold so I skipped all nuance and hurried up to catch the bus.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

I drove to the mall specifically to shop for a cupcake in the cupcake store. I told myself that I would get a Fancy Pants Cupcake but really, inside my head, I was hoping and wishing that there was such a thing as a carrot cake cupcake (I’m cupcake ignorant) and that it would be in this store. I don’t know if there were any super spectacular cupcakes – I only had eyes for this one.

Cupcake cupcake cupcake = can’t say it too much. Cupcake. All Gone.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage

It made sense, to me, to draw these items together. The wallet lives in my right jeans pocket, the lip balm lives in my left pocket and this big key ring resides in the right rear one. Quite a few other things fill the pockets also but the list isn’t interested in them this time around.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Finngr Pro and ArtRage