Archives for posts with tag: Paper53

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Paper By 53, ArtRage, Glaze, collaged a list.

When I saw, on facebook, that the app Paper By 53 was now giving away its tools for free I went ahead and downloaded the now totally free app. Yes, I know that these things are cheap and I, myself, always tell people that and they should just buy them until one is suitable for their purposes. But, I dislike free apps that then have you pay for further tools. Rubs me the wrong way. Also, I had tried out this particular one while at the Apple store a couple of times (their iPads in “my” store were all loaded with this art making app) and was completely underwhelmed – even disliked it. Yet there are quite a number of artists in the digital groups on FB who do amazing things with it.

I decided there were two things I liked: the pen tool is quick and easy to sketch with and the color palette blender method, or whatever is the proper name, was quite cool and enjoyable. I hated the “watercolor” brush and pencil. HATED. Just not my thing. Yuck. The two markers were ok.

So I doodled while I figured out things. Messed around with the watercolor. Found out how to get it into camera roll and then dropped it into ArtRage, zapped it with Glaze twice, put it into Finngr Pro so I could trace it and layer it in ArtRage, added two backgrounds.

I guess I kinda defeated the simple purpose of this app but it, alone, does not ring my bell.

No. I am not cranky because it is winter. I love 19°.

iPad; New Trent Arcadia stylus.
Apps Used: Paper by 53, ArtRage, Glaze, Finngr Pro